Election Notice
- Hello Riverwalk Property Owners:
- Per our By-Laws, we are running an election for five open Board of Director seats. Three of these seats carry a one year term through October 2025, and two seats carry a two year term through October 2026.
- The Board of Directors will continue the tradition of mail-in ballot voting using the same process as the elction in October of 2023. From the By-Laws 2.6: Voting rights. There shall be one person with respect to each lot ownership who shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of the owners (the “Voting Member”). The Voting Member may be the Owner or one of the group composed of all the Owners of a lot or maybe some other person designated by such Owner(s) to act as a proxy on his or their behalf and who need not be an Owner. Each Owner or group of Owners shall be entitled to one vote for each lot owned provided all Association dues are current. No votes allocated to a lot or lots owned by the Association may be cast.
- We are currently seeking volunteers for our election committee (3-5 indiviuals) to work with our current HOA Board to identify residents interested in running for one of these five seats. The current HOA Board remains committed to providing the training necessary for future board members to be knowledgeable and successful in their future roles.
- The election committee will be responsible for:
- Identifying residents that would make good candidates for the HOA and vetting them.
- Publicizing important timelines and dates leading up to the election.
- Running a "Meet the Candidate Evening" via Zoom to introduce individuals running for Board positions to the community and provide an opportunity for them to answer questions about their goals and positions on relevant topics.
- Identifying a resident Moderator for the Meet the Candidate Evening.
- Creating a team of tellers (three community members not on the board or running for the board) for official counting of the ballots from the election. Candidates
- With the help of our election committee we have four candidates who have agreed to run for an open position. It is important to allow each candidate to have an opportunity to share their perspective and reasons for wanting to join the board, so we will be hosting a meet the candidates night at the pavillion and via Zoom on September 13th, 2022 at 7:00 pm. You can find the details for the zoom meeting on the Riverwalk website, as well as the Facebook HOA site. (If you are interested in joining the HOA Facebook site, please reach out to Jen Tolbert via Facebook or email. jentolbert@live.com.
- In order to ensure that we are abiding by official election rules, there will be three community members (referred to as tellers below) who will be responsible for the official counting of ballots. These tellers are not on the board, are not people running for the board, but are community members who have volunteered their time to help.
Election Notice
The process:
Election Notice (This letter)
We will set up a Riverwalk community post office box for the purpose of this election.
On September 26, 2024, we will hold a "Meet the Candidates Night". Details will be posted by September 12th.
On October 1, 2024 - The Ballots will be mailed out. There will be one ballot per lot owner. If you have more than one lot, you will be able to vote one vote for each lot. Each ballot will have the following:
1) A place to fill-in your lot owner address and signature. This will allow the tellers to ensure the votes are valid. Only the tellers will see this information.2) The candidates 3) There will be a place for anyone who wishes to write in additional candidates. 4) Each lot owner is asked to select up to five candidates.
Please ensure that your ballot is recieved in the PO BOX by end of bnusiness October 22, 2024.
October 23, 2024, The head teller will retrieve all ballots from the PO Box and join the other two tellers at an undisclosed location.Once ballots have been tallied, the head teller will contact the board of directors via email communicating the full results of the election.
On October 24, 2024 at 6:30 pm EST, there will be a HOA board meeting (Pavillion and Zoom) where the new board members will be announced and welcomed. Details for the October 24th Zoom meeting will be available on the Riverwalk website and the Facebook HOA site by October 10th.
Thank you,
The HOA Board
Election Notice (This letter)
We will set up a Riverwalk community post office box for the purpose of this election.
On September 26, 2024, we will hold a "Meet the Candidates Night". Details will be posted by September 12th.
On October 1, 2024 - The Ballots will be mailed out. There will be one ballot per lot owner. If you have more than one lot, you will be able to vote one vote for each lot. Each ballot will have the following:
1) A place to fill-in your lot owner address and signature. This will allow the tellers to ensure the votes are valid. Only the tellers will see this information.2) The candidates 3) There will be a place for anyone who wishes to write in additional candidates. 4) Each lot owner is asked to select up to five candidates.
Please ensure that your ballot is recieved in the PO BOX by end of bnusiness October 22, 2024.
October 23, 2024, The head teller will retrieve all ballots from the PO Box and join the other two tellers at an undisclosed location.Once ballots have been tallied, the head teller will contact the board of directors via email communicating the full results of the election.
On October 24, 2024 at 6:30 pm EST, there will be a HOA board meeting (Pavillion and Zoom) where the new board members will be announced and welcomed. Details for the October 24th Zoom meeting will be available on the Riverwalk website and the Facebook HOA site by October 10th.
Thank you,
The HOA Board
Meet the Candidates
On Thursday, September 26, 2024, a "Meet the Candidates Night" will be held to introduce the Candidates to the community and to have an opportunity to understand their goals and positions on relevant topics. Below are the currently declared candidates.
At the beginning of the Meet the Candidates Night a final call for candidates will made for anyone who wishes to join the other candidates for our Q&A session and also have their name added to the ballot.
Candidate Name
Candidate Bio
Candidate Name
Candidate Bio
Candidate Name
Candidate Bio
Candidate Name
Candidate Bio