Community News
Halloween Trunk or Treat & Contest
- Hello Riverwalk:
- Please see the above flyer for our upcoming 2nd Annual Halloween Trunk or Treat a week from tomorrow.
- The event will be held Saturday, October 19th at the beach pavilion/boat launch area on Beach Cove from 3-5pm.
- We are looking for residents to provide the "trunks" - can be decorated or not - golf carts, side by sides, cars and of course, CANDY.
- Arrive by 2:30 to Beach lower launch area
- We are looking for ushers with golf carts or side by sides to shuttle individuals that need assistance down to pavilion since we will be placing cones across the road near the midpoint of Beach Cove.
- Arrive by 2:30 to Upper Beach Cove
- If you would like to volunteer to assist with the following activities, please let us know.
- Setup/Decorate - Arrive 12:30pm
- Help with kids pumpkin decorating tables - Arrive by 2:30pm
- Help with games for kids - Arrive by 2:30pm
- Help with cleanup - 5:00pm
- Hand out tickets – Arrive by 2:30pm
- There will be a photo booth set up for taking cute pictures!
- There will be some fun games for the kids
Entries for Pumpkin Contest (ADULTS & KIDS) - Bring Pumpkins to Pavilion area by 2:30pm
Everyone will be asked to vote for their favorite pumpkin and the winner will receive a prize!
- We will provide some snacks in the form of mini hot dogs, popcorn, chips and waters.
- Drawings for prizes will be held for ticket holders. Tickets will be given for:
- - Children who come in costume
- - Children Winners of games
- - Children that come to decorate pumpkins (we will provide 30)
- If someone would like to coordinate an Adult Halloween that evening, we know some residents would love to attend. Unfortunately, we do not have enough volunteers on the social committee to plan both events. 🙁
Beach and Board Election
Fellow Residents,
We wanted to pass on the following two important items.
BEACH - Please stay off the beach and away from the Pavilion. There is contaminated mud and debris on the beach and all around the Pavilion. This contaminated debris/mud can cause infection and respiratory issues. The HOA is working to get contractors out to conduct cleanup. The Marina road/ramp also has dried mud/debris that will cause respiratory issues. The HOA cares about your safety and welfare and asks for patience in this matter.
HOA BOARD - To date only one person has answered the call to be a part of the HOA. Meet the candidates and the election have been delayed while cleanup is being coordinated within the community. Not having any candidates for the HOA BOD is creating a need for a project management company to take over the many responsibilities currently performed and coordinated by volunteers.
Four of your current board members (all other than Sharon) have been APPOINTED, not VOTED IN by the community.
If the community goes full-time property management, yearly dues may have to shift to monthly versus yearly due to the cost to have a company run our HOA. To run this community would cost 3000.00 to 5000.00 monthly plus add-on services. This is considered a cost-plus contract. Monthly dues could fluctuate depending on the number of architectural reviews of new construction plans, beautification changes property, community violations, communications via letter and email, annual elections and attendance at meetings, gate management, and other associated costs.
Additionally, as we have seen in the past, there would be delays in response time for resident questions, maintenance issue or in response time to issues since we would be managed remotely. If any high cost projects come up (such as road repair/replacement), an additional special assessment would absolutely be incurred by property owners along with your normal monthly/annual dues.
$225 or MORE of your current annual dues of $431 could go to property management alone ($5,000 x 12 months / 267 billable lots)!
$3,400/per LOT special road assessment - The current price for chip/seal/pave all of our roads (recently gathered by Josh) of $1.4MM minus everything we have in the bank of $500,000 would still leave this special assessment. If you own three lots that's over $10,000.
This is why it is so important to rely on volunteers rather than a property management company with cost plus services.
Right now the HOA is voluntary and it relies on YOU, the community, to fill the positions on the HOA BOD. If no one volunteers, it sends the signal you want a property management company to act on behalf of our HOA and we on top of that we would still require a minimal board to oversee the actions of the management company.
Please come forward and help make a difference in our community!
Your Riverwalk Volunteer HOA Board Team Tish, Tom, John, Sharon and Josh
We wanted to pass on the following two important items.
BEACH - Please stay off the beach and away from the Pavilion. There is contaminated mud and debris on the beach and all around the Pavilion. This contaminated debris/mud can cause infection and respiratory issues. The HOA is working to get contractors out to conduct cleanup. The Marina road/ramp also has dried mud/debris that will cause respiratory issues. The HOA cares about your safety and welfare and asks for patience in this matter.
HOA BOARD - To date only one person has answered the call to be a part of the HOA. Meet the candidates and the election have been delayed while cleanup is being coordinated within the community. Not having any candidates for the HOA BOD is creating a need for a project management company to take over the many responsibilities currently performed and coordinated by volunteers.
Four of your current board members (all other than Sharon) have been APPOINTED, not VOTED IN by the community.
If the community goes full-time property management, yearly dues may have to shift to monthly versus yearly due to the cost to have a company run our HOA. To run this community would cost 3000.00 to 5000.00 monthly plus add-on services. This is considered a cost-plus contract. Monthly dues could fluctuate depending on the number of architectural reviews of new construction plans, beautification changes property, community violations, communications via letter and email, annual elections and attendance at meetings, gate management, and other associated costs.
Additionally, as we have seen in the past, there would be delays in response time for resident questions, maintenance issue or in response time to issues since we would be managed remotely. If any high cost projects come up (such as road repair/replacement), an additional special assessment would absolutely be incurred by property owners along with your normal monthly/annual dues.
$225 or MORE of your current annual dues of $431 could go to property management alone ($5,000 x 12 months / 267 billable lots)!
$3,400/per LOT special road assessment - The current price for chip/seal/pave all of our roads (recently gathered by Josh) of $1.4MM minus everything we have in the bank of $500,000 would still leave this special assessment. If you own three lots that's over $10,000.
This is why it is so important to rely on volunteers rather than a property management company with cost plus services.
Right now the HOA is voluntary and it relies on YOU, the community, to fill the positions on the HOA BOD. If no one volunteers, it sends the signal you want a property management company to act on behalf of our HOA and we on top of that we would still require a minimal board to oversee the actions of the management company.
Please come forward and help make a difference in our community!
Your Riverwalk Volunteer HOA Board Team Tish, Tom, John, Sharon and Josh
Join us tomorrow night for a board info session!
Hi Riverwalk:
Please join us tomorrow, Wednesday evening, 9/18/24, at 6:30pm for a board information session.
Learn about the role of board members in an HOA community and the different board positions. We’ll provide an overview of your current board members and information about the duties, responsibilities and requirements of each position and the time commitment required.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Please use the Zoom link below to join:
Your Riverwalk HOA Volunteer BoardTish, Tom, John, Sharon and Josh
Please join us tomorrow, Wednesday evening, 9/18/24, at 6:30pm for a board information session.
Learn about the role of board members in an HOA community and the different board positions. We’ll provide an overview of your current board members and information about the duties, responsibilities and requirements of each position and the time commitment required.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Please use the Zoom link below to join:
Your Riverwalk HOA Volunteer BoardTish, Tom, John, Sharon and Josh
RFP General Maintenance - Deadline 9/27/24
RFP Beach - Deadline 9/27/24
BOD Information Session - Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - Via Zoom 6:30-8:00pm
Join us for an informal session providing information on how an HOA Board conducts business according to Community Bylaws. We will also discuss roles and responsibilities for Riverwalk Board members, committee members and general volunteers.
The link for this meeting can be found at
Feedback Requested
Please email your responses to
1) Are you in favor or opposed to allowing Iredell Sheriff Water Rescue boat being allowed to store a boat in our boat lot so they can respond to emergency rescue situations with greater speed than trailering a boat from Mooresville. The following stipulations would be added:
- We be provided with a certificate of insurance from the Iredell Sheriff to protect ourselves from damages and liability up to $4mm.
- We would request a hold harmless agreement
- The permission would be granted seasonally, so just through May 1, 2025 and then up for re-evaluation
- If the Sheriff plans to just patrol (non-emergency), they would need to take the boat from our storage lot and put in at a PUBLIC launch. This is due to amount of traffic we alreadyhave at our beach area, as well as our desire to maintain our presence as a small community, without policing. 2) Are you in favor or opposed to a permanent install of a barbeque grill (to replace the donated one) at the beach pavilion (located outside and behind the pavilion). The following would be stipulated:
- Placement out of storm/water area behind the pavilion on grassy knoll.
- Cost not to exceed $1,000 (purchase and installation)
- Thorough investigation of our liability risks in having a barbeque grill provided by the HOA
- We be provided with a certificate of insurance from the Iredell Sheriff to protect ourselves from damages and liability up to $4mm.
- We would request a hold harmless agreement
- The permission would be granted seasonally, so just through May 1, 2025 and then up for re-evaluation
- If the Sheriff plans to just patrol (non-emergency), they would need to take the boat from our storage lot and put in at a PUBLIC launch. This is due to amount of traffic we alreadyhave at our beach area, as well as our desire to maintain our presence as a small community, without policing. 2) Are you in favor or opposed to a permanent install of a barbeque grill (to replace the donated one) at the beach pavilion (located outside and behind the pavilion). The following would be stipulated:
- Placement out of storm/water area behind the pavilion on grassy knoll.
- Cost not to exceed $1,000 (purchase and installation)
- Thorough investigation of our liability risks in having a barbeque grill provided by the HOA
Announcements and Reminders
The Riverwalk Board is excited to announce that we have appointed Josh King to the board to fill the remainder of the term vacated by Toni Lehr through October, 2024. Welcome to the Team Josh and thank you for volunteering.
Please see below for a bio on Josh: My name is Josh King, I was born and raised in Massachusetts and moved to NC in 2013. I always loved NC and after one visit decided to make it my home! I am a welder by trade but have worked for a local trucking industry for the past 10 years, managing a Statesville location for the past 6 years.I love spending time with my family and anything outdoors. I love camping, hiking, biking, kayaking, riding my adventure bike and traveling the world!We fell in love with Riverwalk the minute we drove in! We loved the outdoorsy appearance, peace and quiet and having access to the lake. Therefore, I have decided to volunteer my time to assist the board with the needs of the community.
Please see below for a bio on Josh: My name is Josh King, I was born and raised in Massachusetts and moved to NC in 2013. I always loved NC and after one visit decided to make it my home! I am a welder by trade but have worked for a local trucking industry for the past 10 years, managing a Statesville location for the past 6 years.I love spending time with my family and anything outdoors. I love camping, hiking, biking, kayaking, riding my adventure bike and traveling the world!We fell in love with Riverwalk the minute we drove in! We loved the outdoorsy appearance, peace and quiet and having access to the lake. Therefore, I have decided to volunteer my time to assist the board with the needs of the community.
Additionally, please save the date for the following events.
Finally, as a reminder, ALL FIVE board positions will be available to candidates this coming October. We will have 3 seats for two-year terms and 2 seats for one-year terms. We would be greatly appreciative if everyone would take a moment to fill out the Election/Board Survey accessed by clicking this link
Thank you,
Your Riverwalk HOA Volunteer Board
Tish, Tom, John, Sharon and Josh
On Saturday, August 10th, 2024 the Welcome committee will be sponsoring an ice cream social at the beach pavilion area. We are hoping everyone can come out for this fun event! There will be plenty of ice cream, toppings and games for all!😎 THE BEACH AND PAVILION AREA WILL BE RESERVED FOR THIS EVENT FROM 1PM TILL 5PM ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 10TH NO TRAFFIC WILL BE PERMITTED TO ENTER THE BEACH PAVILION AREA FROM 2PM TO 5PM THAT DAY. PLEASE MAKE PLANS ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOMMODATE THIS EVENT.
Join Your HOA Board
Thursday, June 20th 2024
at the Riverwalk Beach Pavilion
Please come join us for an informal "Thankful Thursday" chat with your board.
Let's meet our newest residents and catch up with the others while we discuss the community, future goals, projects in progress and most importantly, provide you with an opportunity to discuss the things most important to YOU - the residents of Riverwalk.
We look forward to seeing you then.
Your Riverwalk HOA Volunteer Board
Tish, John and Sharon
Boat Storage Lot - Request for Bids
- Request for Bids:
- Below please find a rough PHASE I lot configuration the board (with the assistance of Ken Lorenz) is proposing to maximize storage.
- This project will require the following:
- - Install base material and compact areas along the perimeter fence
- - Remove and Dispose of Rotten Timbers
- - Add New Timbers where needed
- - Install two additional gates for Egress (out). The original gate will be Ingress (in) only.
- - Remove trees where two additional gates will be installed
- - Install necessary length of culvert pipe where additional gates will be installed
- - Install road base for two additional Egress lanes to prepare for asphalt
- Anyone that is interested or has a referral capable of performing the outlined work please contact the BOD at All contractors need to be licensed, bonded and insured.
- Thank you in advance for any referrals you can provide that may keep the cost of this project within a reasonable budget. Your Riverwalk HOA Volunteer Board
New Architectural Form for
New Construction, Property Beautification, Additions, Maintenance
Hello Riverwalk Members:
There is a new Architectural Form (click the link) that will go into effect beginning May 1, 2024. This form is intended to be an all encompassing application for New Construction, Property Beautification, Home Additions or Property Maintenance. It will allow ARC to better track which projects are commencing in the community.
The new format additionally willl institute a fee structure meant to place more of a financial burden on construction of new builds, which account for more wear and tear on our community roads in addition to being more time consuming in the reviewal and tracking process for our Architectural Committee volunteers. The fees collected will go directly towards a fund for when the roads need to be maintained, repaired or redone.
Please note that the itemized fees are non-refundable. New construction and projects requiring heavy equipment will ALSO require a refundable construction bond.
All ARC submittals that have already been submitted are grandfathered in.
If you have any questions, please contact the Board at
Thank you,
Your Riverwalk HOA Volunteer BoardTish, Liz, John and Sharon
There is a new Architectural Form (click the link) that will go into effect beginning May 1, 2024. This form is intended to be an all encompassing application for New Construction, Property Beautification, Home Additions or Property Maintenance. It will allow ARC to better track which projects are commencing in the community.
The new format additionally willl institute a fee structure meant to place more of a financial burden on construction of new builds, which account for more wear and tear on our community roads in addition to being more time consuming in the reviewal and tracking process for our Architectural Committee volunteers. The fees collected will go directly towards a fund for when the roads need to be maintained, repaired or redone.
Please note that the itemized fees are non-refundable. New construction and projects requiring heavy equipment will ALSO require a refundable construction bond.
All ARC submittals that have already been submitted are grandfathered in.
If you have any questions, please contact the Board at
Thank you,
Your Riverwalk HOA Volunteer BoardTish, Liz, John and Sharon
Seeking P/T HOA Admin Assistant
Primary responsibility is to support the Board of Directors (BOD) in carrying out the Homeowner’s Association (HOA). The position reports to the BOD president but will support all BOD activities as assigned. Interested parties will not be residents or family of residents. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
Answer and direct phone calls, take messages, and handle correspondence,Maintain website and electronic filing system,Assist in the preparation of regularly scheduled reports,Schedule and coordinate meetings for HOA as requested,Prepare agendas for meetings and complete Meeting Minutes,Create Newsletters,Create appropriate notices regarding scheduled maintenance, board meeting notices, etc.,Prepare board packets for HOA president with specified information, typically on a deadline,Prepare member violation letters and monitor activity of response and prepare monthly reports of violation status,Assist the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) in forms, correspondence, follow up and prepare monthly report of ARC status,Handle sensitive information in a confidential manner,May be requested to participate in HOA meetings.
Proven experience as an administrative assistant or relevant role.Proficient in Web based programs and computer software (Google, Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.).Excellent proofreading skills with attention to detail.Strong communication skills.Knowledge of office management systems and procedures.Excellent time management skills and ability to meet deadlines.Proactive problem-solving skills with a positive attitude.
This is a contracted part-time position that will serve at the pleasure of the board. Salary commensurate with experience up to $25/hour. Administrative Assistant Application Link
Answer and direct phone calls, take messages, and handle correspondence,Maintain website and electronic filing system,Assist in the preparation of regularly scheduled reports,Schedule and coordinate meetings for HOA as requested,Prepare agendas for meetings and complete Meeting Minutes,Create Newsletters,Create appropriate notices regarding scheduled maintenance, board meeting notices, etc.,Prepare board packets for HOA president with specified information, typically on a deadline,Prepare member violation letters and monitor activity of response and prepare monthly reports of violation status,Assist the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) in forms, correspondence, follow up and prepare monthly report of ARC status,Handle sensitive information in a confidential manner,May be requested to participate in HOA meetings.
Proven experience as an administrative assistant or relevant role.Proficient in Web based programs and computer software (Google, Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.).Excellent proofreading skills with attention to detail.Strong communication skills.Knowledge of office management systems and procedures.Excellent time management skills and ability to meet deadlines.Proactive problem-solving skills with a positive attitude.
This is a contracted part-time position that will serve at the pleasure of the board. Salary commensurate with experience up to $25/hour. Administrative Assistant Application Link
Internet Update Recap
Here is a quick recap of our broadband status. If you look at the pictures below - accessed through the internet link below (where I did a search by home address) - you will see different colored dots. My understanding is that several of our homes fall into a federal grant area, some in a county grant area, and some completely unserved and future grant.
The point made by Mr. brooks is that once a home is under one of these eligibilities, it is easier for the other homes surrounding them to state a case to be included in the grant and get started on a date for INSTALLATION of high speed internet.
This is where the community NEEDS you. Take a look at the maps, see where your home falls (by legend) and CONTACT Mr. Brooks. He is the man with the “millions of dollars in his trunk” allocated for internet that is “just waiting to be spent.” He WANTS to get the money out of his trunk and invested into getting high speed internet to our community.
Mr. Brooks drove around Riverwalk with me and John Willis. Off the top of his head he noted our density made us very attractive! He estimated an average price of $75 per household/mo for internet (whoever the provider is). Note: this is not a construction cost. There is NO cost to us for bringinging internet service direct to our homes. This would be the ESTIMATED price you pay for the internet service available (whether Spectrum, AT&T, a local provider, etc) to replace whatever you currently use.
Again, please take a moment and invest your time in the betterment of Riverwalk by reaching out ti Mr. Brooks by phone or email. You will find him very personable, bery bery (meant to say it that way 😜) knowledgeable and incredibly detail oriented. The detail in his brain is 🤯!
Thank you in advance for investing your time into our community!
Jeffrey M. BrooksInfrastructure | CAB | Stopgap | Pole ReplacementBroadband Infrastructure OfficeNorth Carolina Department of Information Technology919 602 8080
Security Update
Riverwalk Safety:
We have had several separate reports of suspicious activity in the community this week (see below):
Gate 1 - Gardner Point - " This morning a man dressed in dark clothes walked into my yard looking at my utility trailer I had parked on right side of yard. I do not know who this person was since he did not come to my front door and want to let people know should this happen to them."
Gate 1 - Gardner Point - " This afternoon a red convertible mustang with the top down stopped in front of our home and was photographing our property. As my dogs alerted and I took notice, the individual was a young male with short blond hair. The doorbell did not ring nor was I expecting a visitor. As I exited the garage area the vehicle left. As neighbors, I felt this was important to share." - THIS HAS BEEN CONFIRMED AS A LONGTIME RESIDENT YOUNG ADULT STUDYING PHOTOGRAPHY AND BACKDROPS.
Gate 1 - Gardner Point - " We had a man approach us in our garage (new build) inquiring if we had concrete guy. He was on foot. We have no trespassing signs. He seemed nice enough, just odd to approach us." When asked for more information this resident indicated it seemed like he was soliciting business.
Stewart Rock - " A friend of mine and her husband just built a house and moved in on Stewart Rock. She text me the other night and a girl with a backpack stepped onto her porch and came to her door asking if she could get the plastic out of the dumpster because their tent had collapsed. A man with a backpack on was also standing in the driveway. The owner told her there was only cardboard in the dumpster and they left walking across Stewart Rock into the woods."
As we have grown exponentially with new residents, this board has made extensive strides to assist with community security. Some of the changes at Main gate on Gardner Point include eliminating over-used codes, eliminating realtor codes, changing the first responders codes and assigning individual codes for only new construction projects.
Please remember, "if you see something, say something," so we may continue to keep our neighborhood safe. Please report any suspicious activity to the board at and contact one of our Neighborhood Security members Liz Ersek at 315-546-6246 or Scott Lehr at 989-310-0983.
****We are looking for new members for Safety and Security and are happy to provide additional information on what involvement in this committee entails.
High Speed Internet/Broadband Update
Architectural Committee Volunteer Wanted
The Riverwalk Architectural Committee is seeking an additional volunteer for this 3 person committee. Current Members and information may be found at ARC.
The Architectural Committee serves at the pleasure of the Board. Estimated volunteer time required would be approximately 2 hours per week.
The Architectural Review Committee was created to control the design and location of houses and other improvements to be constructed or placed upon the lots in the Subdivision and, for that purpose, to review, approve, suggest changes to, and reject plans and specifications for such improvements, and the landscaping of each lot, and to review, approve, suggest changes to, and reject swimming pools, out building, boat houses, ramps, piers, driveways, enclosures for satellite dishes, and for mailbox design, and for the approval or disapproval of boats, boat trailers, house trailers, motor homes, tractor trailer trucks, or any other such vehicle, that are located or maintained upon any lot unless located within enclosed garages. REF DECLARATION OF COVENANTS ARTICLE V, ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL.
Interested parties can email us at
Architectural Covenants including Playgrounds, Structures, Garages, Decks, Accessories, Etc.
Dear Member:
As you may have noticed, construction and architectural projects have exploded in the Riverwalk Community. This can be a great thing for our home values provided we abide by the intent of the original developer in terms of architectural scheme and a wooded community.
Please let this serve as a reminder that the Riverwalk Community is a Deed Restricted HOA governed by Covenants and Bylaws.
It is the responsibility of the members to abide by these documents to ensure no violations occur. Please note the following language with regard to buildings, walls, accessories, structures, etc. to assist with remaining in compliance.
General Use Restrictions
7. No building, fence, wall, pool, outbuilding, driveway or any other accessory feature to the dwelling or any other structure upon any lot shall be commenced, erected, placed, maintained or altered on any lot or combination of contiguous lots until the Complete Construction Plans (hereinafter "Plans" are approved in writing by the Committee or its designated agents. The Committee's refusal or approval of plans may be based upon purely aesthetic considerations, which in its sole discretion the Committee shall deem sufficient, but approval shall not unreasonably be withheld. One copy of all plans and related data shall be furnished to the Committee for its records. If no action is taken by the Committee within thirty (30) days after plans are submitted to it, the owner may proceed to build without approval.
Our complete legal documents may be found at:
Thank you for your cooperation.
As you may have noticed, construction and architectural projects have exploded in the Riverwalk Community. This can be a great thing for our home values provided we abide by the intent of the original developer in terms of architectural scheme and a wooded community.
Please let this serve as a reminder that the Riverwalk Community is a Deed Restricted HOA governed by Covenants and Bylaws.
It is the responsibility of the members to abide by these documents to ensure no violations occur. Please note the following language with regard to buildings, walls, accessories, structures, etc. to assist with remaining in compliance.
General Use Restrictions
7. No building, fence, wall, pool, outbuilding, driveway or any other accessory feature to the dwelling or any other structure upon any lot shall be commenced, erected, placed, maintained or altered on any lot or combination of contiguous lots until the Complete Construction Plans (hereinafter "Plans" are approved in writing by the Committee or its designated agents. The Committee's refusal or approval of plans may be based upon purely aesthetic considerations, which in its sole discretion the Committee shall deem sufficient, but approval shall not unreasonably be withheld. One copy of all plans and related data shall be furnished to the Committee for its records. If no action is taken by the Committee within thirty (30) days after plans are submitted to it, the owner may proceed to build without approval.
Our complete legal documents may be found at:
Thank you for your cooperation.
Main Gardner Point Gate Information - RE: Temporary 4 Digit Gate Codes Provided by Email & Facebook Post February 2024
Hi Riverwalk Community:
Please take notice that we are in transition of updating the TEMPORARY GATE CODES at Gate 1 on Gardner Point over the next couple of weeks.......these ONLY apply to the main gate and to the temporary codes that are reserved for emergency vehicles, mail delivery and temporary construction. There are NO other codes, with the exception of what is in the resident directory at the call box. Please read below carefully:
Your personal gate code is what is listed on the directory next to your name. Again, It is a 3 digit number that follows your name in the directory at the gate. Please make sure you are communicating your personal gate codes with your contractors, builders, realtors and guests. This is only Gate 1 on Gardner Point.
Once that 3 digit number is pressed at the call box it will dial your cellular number and you can then verify who is at the gate and then press "9" to open the gate. Conversely, a visitor can scroll through the directory and once they find your name, they can press "CALL" and your phone will be dialed.
If you have a BUILT home and are not in the directory, please reach out to the BOD at
If you have a home under construction and do not have a temporary construction code, please reach out the the BOD.
If you own a lot in Riverwalk and do not have FOB's to get in the gate, please reach out to the BOD.
Stayed tuned for information with regard to Gates 2 and 3. Thank you for your patience with this transition.
Your Riverwalk HOA Volunteer Board
Tish, Liz, John and Sharon
Continuing Board Focuses
The following are items that are in the works:
1. Research of Gate Access Control System upgrade
2. Planning for Boat Lot renovation, reconfiguration and EXPANSION
3. Maintaining Resident Rosters current for Email communications about website updates
4. Implementing communications to members across multiple platforms including Social Media, Email and Physical Mailings
5. Conversion of Savings into High Yield CD's
6. Weekly website updates
7. Continued focus on creation of processes, cross-training and emergency preparedness