Architectual Review Committee (ARC)
The Architectural Review Committee was created to control the design and location of houses and other improvements to be constructed or placed upon the lots in the Subdivision and, for that purpose, to review, approve, suggest changes to, and reject plans and specifications for such improvements, and the landscaping of each lot, and to review, approve, suggest changes to, and reject swimming pools, out building, boat houses, ramps, piers, driveways, enclosures for satellite dishes, and for mailbox design, and for the approval or disapproval of boats, boat trailers, house trailers, motor homes, tractor trailer trucks, or any other such vehicle, that are located or maintained upon any lot unless located within enclosed garages. REF DECLARATION OF COVENANTS ARTICLE V, ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL.
Architectural Covenants including Playgrounds, Structures, Garages, Decks, Accessories, Etc.
Dear Member:
As you may have noticed, construction and architectural projects have exploded in the Riverwalk Community. This can be a great thing for our home values provided we abide by the intent of the original developer in terms of architectural scheme and a wooded community.
Please let this serve as a reminder that the Riverwalk Community is a Deed Restricted HOA governed by Covenants and Bylaws.
It is the responsibility of the members to abide by these documents to ensure no violations occur. Please note the following language with regard to buildings, walls, accessories, structures, etc. to assist with remaining in compliance.
General Use Restrictions
7. No building, fence, wall, pool, outbuilding, driveway or any other accessory feature to the dwelling or any other structure upon any lot shall be commenced, erected, placed, maintained or altered on any lot or combination of contiguous lots until the Complete Construction Plans (hereinafter "Plans" are approved in writing by the Committee or its designated agents. The Committee's refusal or approval of plans may be based upon purely aesthetic considerations, which in its sole discretion the Committee shall deem sufficient, but approval shall not unreasonably be withheld. One copy of all plans and related data shall be furnished to the Committee for its records. If no action is taken by the Committee within thirty (30) days after plans are submitted to it, the owner may proceed to build without approval.
Our complete legal documents may be found below.
Thank you for your cooperation.
As you may have noticed, construction and architectural projects have exploded in the Riverwalk Community. This can be a great thing for our home values provided we abide by the intent of the original developer in terms of architectural scheme and a wooded community.
Please let this serve as a reminder that the Riverwalk Community is a Deed Restricted HOA governed by Covenants and Bylaws.
It is the responsibility of the members to abide by these documents to ensure no violations occur. Please note the following language with regard to buildings, walls, accessories, structures, etc. to assist with remaining in compliance.
General Use Restrictions
7. No building, fence, wall, pool, outbuilding, driveway or any other accessory feature to the dwelling or any other structure upon any lot shall be commenced, erected, placed, maintained or altered on any lot or combination of contiguous lots until the Complete Construction Plans (hereinafter "Plans" are approved in writing by the Committee or its designated agents. The Committee's refusal or approval of plans may be based upon purely aesthetic considerations, which in its sole discretion the Committee shall deem sufficient, but approval shall not unreasonably be withheld. One copy of all plans and related data shall be furnished to the Committee for its records. If no action is taken by the Committee within thirty (30) days after plans are submitted to it, the owner may proceed to build without approval.
Our complete legal documents may be found below.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Forms and Contact Info
Please use this form to open a dialog with the ARC or email to:
Form Downloads
ARC Form N - New Construction Application
ARC Form A - Addition Application
ARC Form B - Beautification ApplicationARC Form S - Solar ApplicationARC Form T - Tree Removal Application
For other current applications for beautification, additions or tree removal please contact
ARC Members
Jon Dietrich
Bob Haden
Liz Ersek
Open Position
Please contact the BOD if you are interested.